As the school year comes to a close and you start cleaning up the physical classroom this is also a good time to clean up things in Google Classroom. Here are some Google Classroom clean up tips to help you organize and prepare for next year.
Tip 1
Unenroll/Remove Students from Classes
This is useful if you don’t want students to have future access to course content. One reason for this might be so students do not share the course content to new/future students taking the course.
To Remove students from class:
- Open the “Classroom” and click on Students Tab
- Check the box at the top to select all the students in the class
- Click Actions
- Choose "Remove" from the drop-down
Tip 2
Archive Classes
Another way to clean up Classroom is to archive old classes. Archived classes are saved but will no longer appear on your homescreen and you will not be able to add assignments. However, you will be able to reuse posts & assignments from archived classes.
Archive Class:
- Go to Classroom Homescreen
- Click the 3 dots in top right of class you want to archive
- Choose Archive from the drop-down
- Click Archive again to verify
How to Un-Archive a class (just in case):
- Click the menu from Classroom Homescreen
- Scroll down to and choose Archived Classes (at bottom)
- Click the 3 dots in top right of class you want to un-archive
- Choose Restore
- Click Restore again to verify
Tip 3
Clean Up Old Class Calendars
Google Classroom automatically creates a Google Calendar for each class you create. As you create assignments with due dates they get added to the class calendar. Accessing the calendar for a class is a handy way for you and your students to view upcoming due dates for assignments.
When the class is over you can remove the calendars for each class so your calendar list doesn’t get to big.
Remove Old Calendars
- Go to Google Calendar
- Look under My calendars on left side of screen (classes will be listed here)
- To remove a calendar you will access that calendar's settings.
- Click the small down-arrow to the right of the class calendar you wish to remove (in the My calendars list)
- To delete the calendar, choose Calendar settings
- Scroll down to the bottom of the calendar details screen and click Permanently delete this calendar
- Click Yes in the pop-up window that appears and choose Delete for everyone
Tip 4
Clean Up Google Drive by Moving Classroom Folders
Google Classroom automatically creates a "Classroom" folder in Google Drive. In this folder is a sub-folder for each class you have created. This is where all the assignments and documents are stored.
- Go to Google Drive and select the Classroom folder to open
- Create a new folder by clicking New and New folder
- Name it something like “Archive” "Old Classes” or “2016-2017 Classes” (notice I added the number 1 at the beginning of my new folder “name” so this folder would appear at the top of the list)
- Now you can easily drag and drop the old class folders into this new folder or right click on folder and choose Move to and select new folder
Note: Moving class folders does not affect Google Classroom in any way. It just makes your "Classroom" folder neat and ready to go for next year.
Google Classroom is an effective tool for sharing documents, resources, facilitating discussions and more - between you and your students. Cleaning up and organizing is the first step in preparing for Google Classroom as you start and setup new classes next fall. I hope you have these tips are helpful.
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