Week 2 - Visual Learning
Visual learning tools such as graphic organizers allow us to visually connect ideas and information. Students can use mind and or concept mapping tools to organize information and demonstrate knowledge. These tools can help students formulate their thoughts in a logical manner. A mind mapping tool could be used to outline/storyboard the slides/clips of presentation/video project.
One thing I like about many of the mind mapping tools is the option to convert the map into an organized outline of text.
This is something that videos do not provide - although you can have text in a video but I think that defeats the purpose of creating a video.
Visually learning to me means using images, symbols and other visual aids to convey a message.
I used MindMup to create this mind map that I can use in my web design class to to help students understand the folder hierarchy/structure files. I chose this tool because it allowed me to use the top-down structure I was looking for. While other tools have a top-down structure I could not get the the lines to flow as they did with MindMup
I really wanted the lines to be as straight as possible.
Website Folder and File Structure
Here is an infographic created with Piktochart - which is a great tool - however they do not have a collaboration feature at this time like other infographic tools such as easel.ly which allows users to invite a friend to edit (via email).
Digital Footprints |
Good note about the collaboration--rather, lack thereof--on Piktochart. I bet they fix that in the future. Most education tools are headed that direction.