Monday, December 1, 2014

Coding with Code HS

Using CodeHS as an introduction to programming! 

This is the third year in which I have used the CodeHS website to introduce students to programing.

CodeHS is a site which allows students to learn the basic principles of programming (coding) by working through a series of videos, quizzes and practice lessons. 

What I like about CodeHS is that it is designed for beginners. Additionally, students can learn & work at their own pace while developing coding skills.  With students progressing through the lessons at their own pace I was able to quickly determine which students were struggling and which students were breezing through each lesson. This allowed me to spend time with the struggling students while the others were able to move on.  I was also able to show lesson samples of my more advanced students to others who needed more help.  In addition, I often encouraged students to help each other.

Things I will change while using CodeHS next year:

One step I would like to try next year is to assign questions for students to answer after completing each lesson to gain more insight into their understanding of the skills learned in each lesson.  Another step I will take is to give short quizzes periodically to check for understanding as well.

I generally only expect students to get to a certain point in the CodeHS lessons.  This year students were expected to complete lessons 1 - 5.  Next year I will start using CodeHS earlier in the semester and require more lessons to be completed.

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